Wood Science Talks
Welcome to the Wood Science Talks ! We will talk about developments in the field of wood science, research and education, careers, all rooted around the fascinating world of wood (Music: Peter Ratzenbeck)
Wood Science Talks
Francesco Negro: "Wood and sports - a sustainable combination !"
Francesco Negro is a Professor at the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, University of Torino, Italy. His main research interests is related to innovative wood-based products, timber grading, regulations and standards, and the effects of wood on the environmental. He recently edited the open access book "Wood in Sport Equipment — Heritage, Present, Perspective", freely available from the SWST Website (https://www.swst.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Wood-in-sport-equipment_Heritage-present-perspective.pdf), which describes the changing uses of wood as a material for sport items such as bats, boats, bows and arrows, etc. but also of wood in sport facilities such as sporting halls, basketball, courts, cycling tracks, and horse stables. The book holds 35 chapters, writtern by 39 authors, coming from Italy, Austria, Chile, Italy, Madagascar, Norway, Poland, and the USA. Prof. Negro is talking about what has brought him into wood, his research interests, carreer paths, and his overall fascination about wood.